26. Filled Trout (TRUCHA RELLENA) Back

Use this recipe for large fish also, but put more pieces of ham and cheese in a bigger fish; merluza, salmon, sole, sierra or congrio.

  • 4 trout, scales and cleaned
  • 4 slices of smoked raw ham (Serrano), cut to the same shape as the fish, but smaller
  • 4 slices cheese
  • 1 cup flour
  • Salt, pepper and oil
  • 4 rashers bacon
  • Parsley, chopped

Cut open the trout along the stomach and remove the backbone and as many other boner as you can. Ask the fishmonger to do it if you donĀ“t want to. Put a piece of ham and cheese inside each fish and close it up again.

Mix the flour, salt and pepper, roll the trout in this until well covered. Fry the bacon until crisp, remove from the pan and reserve. Fry the floured fish in the bacon fat. Add oil if there is not enough fat. Cook for 10-15 minutes on a median heat.

Put the fish with the ham and cheese inside on a heated serving dish. Sprinkle with the crumbled bacon and the chopped parsley.